MasyaAllah kesyukuran yg sebanyak2nya atas segala limpah dan rahmat Allah s.w.t. yg sememangnya tak terhitung dan sentiasa melimpah ruah. Cuma aku ni manusia yg kdg2 terlupa dan sering mjadi hamba yg kurang bersyukur. Terima kasih Allah atas segala nikmat yg Kau beri.
semalam adalah antara hari yg menggembirakan buat aku. before masuk 2nd July, dah dpt handmade card yg cantik dari mak, abah, tok dan adik2. mak mmg tiap2 tahun akan buat card b'day utk aku. die mmg creative! dan aku pun dh terikut die dah. klw ade b'day sape2, mesti tangan gatal nk buat card. ape kelass beli card kt kedaikan.. hehe.. mybe sbb kitorg ni suke buat bende2 creative ni kot. Thanks mom!!! dan xlupe juga buat tok tersayang, yg akan beli mcm2 utk b'day aku.taun ni dia beli jugak, cuma xdpt nk bg je lg.. =)
lepas dpt card ni. aku dpt bykla wishes dr kwn2 dr Malaysia kt facebook sbb kt malaysia dh 2nd july. kt cni xmasuk lg. so kwn2 kt scotland ni xwish lah lg. tepat jam 12 tgh mlm dundee, aku dpt notes dari Min..
"I barely knew her back then. But fate has written it this way. That we were meant to come here together. Catching our dream together. Here we are. After a long struggle that it almost seemed impossible to realize it. The struggle began when we were sitting for our ielts. She wasn’t feeling well in Reading paper. But Alhamdulillah with the will of Allah, she passed it. And then the visa. Only those who knew it know how difficult the time was. It’s only by the will and help of Allah that she’s here, that we are actually here. You don’t know how happy I was when you finally arrived here in Scotland, Dundee, al-Maktoum, after 2weeks waiting. What a suspense situation :P. I still remember I was in Dr AlHagi’s lecture, and sprinted downstairs to see you when you arrived. God knows how happy I was when I saw your face. For many reason. One of them is I don’t want to have to come back to Malaysia alone…lol. Now that we are here, now that we’ve come this far, just hold on (‘what about now’ lyrics :P), and let’s do our best; after what we’ve been through. InshaAllah. Happy birthday gal, happy 25th birthday. May happiness and blessings pursue you wherever you go…"
Thanks min. Min kwn aku dr UIA . kitorg rapat since dia tau aku nk smbg master kt oversea dan dia pun nak ikut. so apply la semua dgn die. alhamdulillah, here we are now! min rindu sgt nk blk Malaysia.. aku ckp kt dia "keep ur feeling in an empty box for only 5 months, min. after we reach Malaysia u can open it. yeehaa! then u should have another HUGE empty box to put ur deep feeling towards this wonderful scotland. i'm afraid i'll miss it like crazy! but i couldn't come back...."
huh.. i'm gonna miss scotland crazily!! but I don't know if I can get the chance to come here back. I really don't know.. oh now i'm close to tears!! :(
tukar topic plisss.. hehe. ok. 2nd July pun tiba lah.. kitorg geng2 wanita Melayu Dundee ade usrah. so aku pun pergilah berjalan kaki ke rumah k.ina. best rumah die. besar dan cantik. topik usrah "Rahsia Perkahwinan". bermanfaat betul b'day aku kali ni. byk sgt bende aku dpt dr usrah ni. k.syiqin kata, Rasulullah bersabda, wanita boleh masuk mana2 pintu syurga jika dia melakukan 4 perkara ni
- solat
- puasa
- jaga maruah, kehormatan diri
- taat pada suami
mcm senang kan? diorg kata, bg sape2 yg masih bujang, utk mnguji tahap kesabaran, silalah berkahwin. bukan senang nk kawen ni.. wlaupun aku rs happy sgt tgk relationship btween husband & wife kt cni.. (org2 melayu la kan) diorg akui yg byk benda yg perlu diperbetulkan.. dlm hidup berumah tgga, perlu ada kerjasama dan tolak ansur. pastu perlu sntiasa sebut kata2 cinta dan sling puji memuji, mghargai 1 sama lain. bukan senang nk buat ni! almklumlah klw culture melayu tu..dah kawen diam2jela. xpyh puji sgt pun.. kang org kata buang tebiat! pelik.. wktu x kawen lg boleh plak puji2, pegang sn pegang cni.. dh kawen xboleh pulak?? aii.. ni dtg manela ajaran sesat ni.
3jam lebih berusrah, kitrong makan nasik lemak slps dibahagi kerja, sorg msk nasik, sorg buat sambal, sorg bwk timun etc. aku buat tiramisu! sedap. (cehh perasan) hehe. 5 minit habis! alhamdulillah.. pastu kitorang solat zohor berjemaah diimami oleh k.del tercinta. (aku sukee k.del. xtau knape. mgkin die ade aura. magnet kasih yg dihantar kpdku). thanks k.del. lepas solat kitorg berzumba! smpai pkul 5. hehe. bestla zumba. nk tukarlah xnak dh buat paula abdul dance aerobic. nk buat zumba pulak!
aku suka dancing. malangnye xpernah berkesempatan belajar menari. blaja kt tv jela. nk join class xleh sbb ade laki. mgkin kne buat initiative sndiri iaitu buat kelas tarian sndiri utk girls je!
lepas berzumba tu, smua org pakat nk blk sbb dh pkul 5. aku nk buat lg! aku pelik..knape semua org mcm rushing je? xpela.. aku pun blk jela.. lainkali boleh buat lg! yeay! pastu smpai2 rumah, ketuk2 pintu, xde sape dgr suara Muhammad. aku dh suspend dh. ketuk lg. xjwb jugak. tgk2 pintu xkunci. lorr.. aku pn bukak jela. diorg xsedar aku ketuk. rupe2nye tgh busy siapkan cake, makanan utk buat surprise b'day party aku.
ni la org2 kuat disebalik surprise party ni. smpai ketuk pintu pun xdgr. hehe. thanks nadya, elly, muhammad n davide. may this friendship last forever~ pastu min smpai.. bwk cake die buat sndiri. sedap!! thanks min!!
yg 2 cake kecik tu dr muhammad dan davide. sedap jugak. thanks guys! xlama pastu geng2 melayu dundee yg dok berusrah dan berzumba ngn aku tu sampai.. terkejut sgt sbb sorang, sorang masuk smpai penuh rumah. patutla pakat kelam kabut nk balik td. rupanya ade plan lain. masyaAllah sgt terrharu! nasibaik xnangis je!!
diorg bg bunge yg sgt harum dan cantik beserta kad ucapan yg mgharukan.. =) xterungkap dah dgn kata2.. sgt best bday taun ni. insyaAllah semoga taun dpn dpt celebrate bday mcm ni jugak, tp mungkin dgn org lain. heheh.
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