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Showing posts from August, 2011


Alhamdulillah, Hari Raya disambut dgn sungguh meriah di Dundee, Scotland ini. Kesedihan xdpt beraya bersama keluarga terubat dgn pelbagai ragam rakan2 dan cuaca yg baik pada Hari Raya pertama.. Malam raya, para Muslimin Komuniti Melayu Dundee berjalan dari rumah ke rumah untuk bertakbir raya.. Alhamdulillah.. dapatlah bertakbir raya bersama2..kat masjid xde pulak mungkin ade sekejapjela..xmacam kat Malaysia.. Dan sebelum nak tidur tu, lepas para muslimin balik, kami para2 muslimat (3 org je pn) bertungkus lumus mbuat kuih.. hehe.. tapi kuih xberapa nak jadi.. semua baru 1st time nak try.. xreti lagi.. aku bab2 kuih ni mmg fail..mintAk maaf ye =) kat Malaysia makan kuih tunjuk2 je.. beli kat sedara mara yg jual kuih.. bolehla menyumbang sikit kan..hehe (ke malas??) tak tak..tak malas.. cuma xreti..xpe2 masih boleh blajar.. =)  pastu HAri Raya pertama kami beramai2 pergi merayakan diri di rumah k.ina..juadah disediakan bersama k.aeni dan k.hani.. insyaAllah ahad ni gi

Semoga Amalan2 yg baik kita tidak terhenti selepas berakhirnya Ramadhan.

Picture Taken from: Saidina Umar Bin Abdul Aziz r.a. berkata: "Bukanlah Aidilfitri itu bermaksud org yg memakai pakaian baru, akan tetapi Aidilfitri itu bermaksud bertambahnya taqwa seseorang kepada Allah s.w.t. Semoga Amalan2 yg baik kita tidak terhenti selepas berakhirnya Ramadhan. Semoga ia berterusan di Bulan Syawal dan bulan2 lain.. Hati sedih dan sayu bila Ramadhan bakal pergi sehari sahaja lagi.. Terima kasih Ya Allah kerana menganugerahkan Ramadhan kpd kami.. Semoga berjumpa lagi wahai bulan yg penuh berkat....

My new Pakistani friend~

MasyaAllah Allah pertemukan aku dgn seorang lagi kawan yg baik, Nasrin. Dia ada 4 org anak. Aku suka tgk anak2 dia, 2 org twins- Safa dan Marwa, anak sulung dia, Muzdalifah dan anak lelaki dia Arqam.  cantik sangat Safa & Marwa ni MasyaAllah.. Husband dia ni kawan aku kt college. buat PhD. dia sgt suka budak2..setiap hari mesti mintak kat kawan aku Elly utk tgk Bushra.. =) Nasrin, Bushra (Elly's Baby) and Arqam suka sgt tengok diorg..cantik dan baik =) Subhanallah diorang sangat baik..kadang2 aku balik terawih ngan dia. dlm kereta, aku dpt tgk betapa rapatnya relationship Nasrin, husband dia dan anak2..Subhanallah.. aku selalu tny die apa tips kebahagiaan die? hehe.. menyebok x? =) dia kata, dia ngn husband die mcm bestfriend..hubungan diorg lebih kepada kawan, MasyaAllah. semua benda diorg share sama2.. xde apa2 rahsia..dan dia kata husband dia sgt loving..sama macam dia.. dan dia kata hidup dia bukanla xde masalah..masalah tu ade especially bab

Poem for my bestfriend ~

Thanks for being you, Thanks for giving me the joys and smiles from day one, Thanks for helping me enjoy the atmosphere here. Thanks for correcting me when I was wrong, Thanks for helping me follow the guidelines to survive, Thanks for helping me try and cope with people around, Thanks for giving me the courage to stand up on my own. Thanks for all the advices, Thanks for lending me your ears when I was upset, Thanks for teaching me ways to hold on to the end, Thanks for the love and care you showed. Thanks for the wishes you have for me, Thanks for the prayers you pray for me daily, Thanks for the appreciation, Thanks for not keeping a fence between, Thanks for the confidence you have in me, I will miss you and all the funny things you ever did, The little naughty things youever said.... k.SU ;( When I read this poem, I think of you, K,Su :) Poem by Jerine James. 

LIFE IS A LEARNING PROCESS ~ many things we can learn from kids! Yallah!

Oh I miss them AGAIN! I saw the picture below on Sis. Azra's facebook...Farewell Ramadhan! What would they say when Ramadhan is leaving? MasyaAllah! These are what they say: I'm amazed with their words. MasyaAllah my dear Khalifah =) I also do hope that this is not my last Ramadhan. Please Allah, give me another chance to meet Ramadhan next year.. (if it is the best for me).  Many new things I've learnt from Sis. Azra Banu, one of the Khalifah Model School (KMS) teachers. They are so lucky kan, MasyaAllah! Kan best kalau Khalifah Method ni dpt diserapkan dlm sistem pembelajaran di Malaysia.InsyaAllah every students in Malaysia could also get the knowledge that KMS students get. Isn't it fantastic?  The kids should be encouraged to seek knowledge about anything, anywhere, anytime so that they can build a great generation in the future InsyaAllah.. Like the generation of Salahuddin Al-Ayyubi and Sultan Muhammad Al-Fateh =) They are connecting the dots of k

Saidatina Fatimah Az-Zahra Binti Muhammad Alaihissalaatuwassalaam..

Subhanallah..sudah lama x membaca perihal puteri kesayangan Rasulullah (peace be upon him) dan seringkali terlupa dgn segala jasa dan pengorbanannya dlm menegakkan syiar Islam.. Terima kasih buat k.Fatimah Syarha atas nukilan ygg baik, beserta hadith2 yg sahih ttg penghulu wanita syurga, Fatimah Az-Zahra bint Muhammad, kekasih Allah.. Terlalu banyak kemulian dan jasa  Fatimah r.ha binti Muhammad yang tidak termampu untuk dinukilkan semuanya. Beliaulah puteri kepada penutup segala Nabi yang banyak mewarisi keindahan akhlak ayahandanya. MasyaAllah!  Lahirnya Si Puteri Bongsu              Saat Ummul Qura (Makkah) menyaksikan orang-orang Quraisy membaiki Kaabah, lahirlah puteri bongsu Rasulullah SAW. 5 tahun sebelum kenabian. Beliau sangat mirip dengan ayahandanya yang mulia. Disusui sendiri oleh bondanya. Tatkala masyarakat jahiliyah malu besar setiap kali menerima berita lahirnya anak perempuan, namun Rasulullah SAW sangat gembira dengan kelahiran puterinya. Mencintai dan menyayangin

To teach is to touch a LIFE .. Thanks Allia!

Thanks Allia for the reminder.. I Just read your blog and I saw this beautiful word..  'TO TEACH IS TO TOUCH A LIFE.. FOREVER' (I miss my life as a teacher!) I just realize the great importance of a creature of God called 'human being' whether he/she is a teacher, mother, father, sister, brother, friends, bestfriends or..strangers.. They come into our lives..and always, they touch our heart with their words and actions.. then.. they go..but their 'touch' left within ourselves.. God sends us all these people into our lives so that we can learn, share and feel the sweetness or the bitterness of a thing we called 'LIFE'.. and for me, everyday I learn many new things from people around me and I have to admit here that they CHANGE me. I'm not the person I was yesterday..Not anymore 'yesterday Aina'! This happens to anybody..including you. that is why in Islam there is no COINCEDENCE. Everything happens for a reason. So be grateful with anything ha

Facebook - DEACTIVATE!

I choose to deactivate my facebook account. It is so disturbing. I can't do my work properly, and I feel something wrong with it. So, after Ramadhan I will come back. Be patient Aina! Focus on your work!  p/s: If anybody has smthing to say, please do so here or email or text me.   " wa mal hayatudun-ya il-la la'ibun wa lahwun wa ladarul akhirotu khoirul-lil-ladziina yat-taquun, afalaa ta'qiluun? " "What is the life of this world but play and amusement? But best is the home in the hereafter, for those who are righteous." (6:32) Dan tidak ada kehidupan dunia itu kecuali permainan dan kepura-puraan, dan niscaya akhirat adalah (kehidupan) yang lebih baik, apakah kamu tidak berfikir-fikir? " Memang dunia ni hanya permainan. Permainan yg sguh melalaikan dan tipu daya yg sgt memperdayakan.. Allahu'alam.....

Would I marry ME? Would I befriend with me? Would I???

I just read a book title “Life is an Open Secret”. (kesian ketinggalan zaman,org lain dh lama bc buku ni.hehe.) I was amazed with the stories written by the writer, Sis. Zabrina A.Bakar especially on a story about “Decide your Path Wisely”. This is her story not mine. I’m just reflecting, sharing and I think this story is beneficial not only for me, but for the others too. One day she saw an article posted by her friend title “Would you marry me?” After finish reading it, she just sat on the chair, pondering. She started to ask herself one vital question: “If I met a person (that person is herself) who has a long list of characteristics, behaviours and attitudes, would she marry her?” If she is a guy, would she marry a woman named Zabrina?? Would  she? And this is Aina’s story @ a respond from her story. hehe. After reading her story, I started to think and reflect on myself. I have to evaluate on my current behaviours, attitude and habits.. how about my relationship with God and ot

A worth sharing analogy from book ‘Life is an Open Secret’ by Sis. Zabrina

I borrow this book from my friend, K.Izzaty. Thanks k.zaty! sgt bermanfaat utk saya =) Hence, I want to share with u guys 1 analogy that I get from this book which MAYBE can make you think and reflect. scene 1 : I walk down the street, and there’s a deep hole in the sidewalk. I fall in it. It takes forever to get out. It is not my fault. (because I don’t know and I don’t realise the hole is there. scene 2: I walk down the same street. I fall in the hole AGAIN! It still takes a long time to get out. It is my fault because I already know the hole is there. scene 3: I walk down the same street. I fall in the hole AGAIN for the 3 rd time! It’s fine for me, I know it is definitely my fault. I can get out from it immediately. scene 4: I walk down the street and see the deep hole in the sidewalk. I walk around it. This time, I don’t fall in it. scene 5: I walk down a DIFFERENT street. No more hole!! Cute right this analogy? It is beautifully written, very simple and direct. So,

Muhasabah RAMADHAN. =) Mari sama2 bermuhasabah!

Subhanallah.  Allah Maha Mengetahui segala sesuatu. Lepas baca surah Al-Mulk dan As-Sajadah td, Allah tunjukkan aku 1 ayat yg mmg sgt2 penting utk diamalkan oleh seseorang yg dinamakan Muslim dan beriman. MasyaAllah ayat ni sgt memberi kesan kpd aku dan ia sgt TELAH menenangkan hati... “wahai org2 yg beriman, jauhilah dari banyak berprasangka kerana sesungguhnya sebahagian dari prasangka itu dosa, dan jgnlah kamu mencari2 kesalahan org lain dan jgnlah ada diantara kamu yg mengunjing/mengumpat antara 1 sama lain. Adakah ada diantara kamu yg suka memakan daging saudaranya sendiri yg sudah mati? tentu kamu merasa jijik. Dan bertakwalah kpd Allah, sesungguhnya Allah Maha penerima taubat, Maha Penyayang”. (Al-Hujurat: 13)   Jauhi segala prasangka/ andaian kdg2 kite sbgai manusia yg serba serbi lemah ni suka membuat pelbagai ‘assumption’, andaian, kesimpulan, conclusion, teka-teki dan kebanyakan dri segala prasangka kite ni menyebabkan kite bersu’uz zhan/ bersangka buruk terhadap org la