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A wonderful journey in Scotland. I really gonna miss it =(

Going to Edinburgh castle with, Chia, Nova and my new adik, Amir 

Alhamdulillah, Allah still give me a chance to live this day and Alhamdulillah because of Allah's generosity, I could spend another moments with my beloved sister, Sumayyah Nasarudin before I'm going back to Malaysia (for good) next month. Truly deep in my heart, I feel like not going home!! K.Su and her husband Chia (Rizal) are like a family to me, they are not just friends, they are my inspiration, my counsellor, listener, problem solver, financial advisor and contributor, teacher, role model,  and the best thing is they are my spiritual reminder.. they always remind me of Allah and when I look at their face I can see the sincerity, kindness, courtesy.. and I can feel the calmness and happiness in my heart that I couldn't describe with words.. What a precious and priceless experience knowing them from the first day I came, they are so, so nice I couldn't pay them for all their help, guidance and all the other things they've done.. the only 1 thing I could do is praying to Allah may Allah reunite us together in His Jannah.. Seriously, I really hope to meet them again in Jannah but with all the sins that I have, I don't know whether there's a place for me in Jannah or not. I'm begging for Allah's mercy because IF there's a place for me in Jannah, it is not because of me, or the good things I've done in this world, but it is only because the rahmah and mercy from Allah.. I don't know what has happened to me, but nowadays I always feel like I'm close to death but I'm not prepared yet. I've made a lot of mistakes towards Allah and the other human beings.. I'm afraid on the day of judgement, I'm gonna fail... and at that time, I couldn't ask Allah to send me back to this earth so that I could make many other good deeds and avoid all the wrong things that will lead me to the hell. I really don't know what will happen to me.. I really don't know..

Back to the main topic.. hehe.. Alhamdulillah I had a wonderful holiday with, Chia, Nova and Amir Azfar. MasyaAllah Allah yet sends me another good friend, Amir Azfar for me to learn many other positive values that he have. I could see him as a great person with a very good akhlak and intelligent mind. He just came here (Aberdeen) to further his degree in Law and International Relations and he is a debator! I see him as my 'adik' bcoz he's just 20 years old, but his thinking is subhanallah! and his attitude is MasyaAllah.. very humble, polite, no arrogant and the way he thinks is different not like the typical Malay who likes to talk about other people and all the rubbish things. He said to us 'don't worry I'm a reader' bcoz we are worried we're going to take his study time.  MasyaAllah he has a lot of knowledge same goes to K.Su and Nova.. Nova was also a debator and, even she's not a debator, she's very talented in talking. Don't play2 haa.. hehe! Previously she did her degree in Law at Buckingham University.. Subhanallah when they were talking I'm so impressed! Oh they have so much knowledge..and I think I should read more! I thank Allah bcoz  He sends them to me so that I can learn many things from them.. and I pray to Allah may all the knowledge that they have bring them (and me) closer to Allah, insyaAllah.. 

We had a very good discussion along the journey..we discuss about religion, economics, politics, wars, comedies.. but I'm always being a very good listener and good observer. hehe! I don't really like to talk when I'm with somebody who likes to talk and its ok for me to just listen and talk when its necessary.. 

I like 1 of the discussion with them and of course I like most the discussion which related to religion.. 
Nova said: How to be like Saidatina Aisyah? Once, a beggar came to her and asked her for food and she just gave everything that she had. Then, when the time of iftar has come (breaking fast) she asked her maid, what else can we eat for iftar? Her maid said 'Nothing. you just gave the beggar all of our food'. and Aisyah said, "Its ok.. Allah will give us a better food.." and later, subhanallah.. somebody came and gave them much much better food for their iftar, MasyaAllah... 
What I can comment is that, to be like Aisyah, we need to have a very important characteristic in ourselves which is tawakkal.. Aisyah had 100% tawakkal to Allah..and that's why she never worried and never regret her action because she believed 100% that Allah will give her a better replacement. 

But Nova keep asking us, how AisyaH could do that? 

And I'm so impressed with Amir's answer.. he said "that is because for Aisyah, food and money have no value.. the only value Aisyah could see is the act of giving". THE ACT OF GIVING IS THE VALUE... MasyaAllah.... that is so true!! we always see there's a value in money but in reality it has nothing. nothing.  and then K.Su said we should just spend everything for the sake of Allah..think about today, don't really think about tomorrow bcoz we don't know do we still have tomorrow???

Hmm...Another thing to ponder...  I'm very glad to have this kind of friends.. I don't like to talk about other people especially about artist and bad politicians, Malay movies, and other nonsense that could make me feel like killing myself and all these rubbish could lead me to the hell and it has no significance at all ! Thank you Allah for giving me good friends..

Thanks K.Su and Chia for bringing us here! May Allah give both of you the best reward..


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