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The story of a man with a perfect job. MasyaAllah!

Alhamdulillah this morning after Fajr prayer I read a story of an old man and his wife with their job written by Sis. Zabrina, which then make me wondering why he's still working? Their children were all grown up, highly educated and very successful, Subhanallah.. This lovely couple (both in their sixties) work at one of the wet markets in Malaysia, pushing a cart loaded with vegetables every day very early in the morning. 

The old man said to Sis. Zabrina: 
"You know, dear, my wife and I grow our own vegetables and have been selling them here at this wet market since our younger days. That's how we managed to send our children to school and college. We aren't rich, but we have enough for everyone. Every bite of food that goes into our mouths is earned from this vegetables business, Alhamdulillah. So, now, even though we are living a good life from the money pur children send to us, we feel that, as long as we can earn an honest living ourselves, we should keep on working. It's good for us, recommended by the religion, and, plus, we needed the exercise, too". 

MasyaAllah...! They had no reason to work because their children are providing everything for them. But they are still working because of the passion & interest in the job that they are doing and the feeling of gratitude to God. Then the old man answered when Sis. Zabrina asked him how long he was planning to work? He said cheerfully "Till the day I stop breathing, dear. Till the day Allah takes my ability to work away". Allahu Akbar! 

Seriously, he has an amazing attitude, Subhanallah.  He sells vegetables in wet market and he's very proud of his job. May Allah give both of them the best reward, InsyaAllah. Hmm.. now I'm thinking about the things that will be said by the people around them (especially the Malays including ME!) when they see these old man and his wife are still working.. Some might say "they must be poor people..pity them.." Some might say "where are their children? why they are still working?" Some might say, "were they abandoned parents" Some might say "nasib badanlaaa..nak buat mcm mana.." Some might say "they must have a very hard life.." 

Astaghfirullah! This is a reminder for me too. Every time when I see old people are working, I'm gonna say to myself "Oh pity them..why they are still working? don't they have children that can help them?" and sometimes I will condemn the government "where's the right for the poor and old people?" 

Duh, why I'm so negative? This true story makes me think and has opened my eyes to see the other world view.. some people work very hard even though they are old because they have passion in it. They like it and they have their own reasons why they like it and do it. Not because they are poor, not because they are forced to do it, not because nobody wants to help them, not because their children are abandon them. NO! I'm busy commenting, complaining and making negative statements, criticism toward others as if I am so0o good.. But in reality I am full of weaknesses, may Allah forgive me. I am so sorry dear Allah......

Khalil Gibran said: "Work is love made visible. And if you can't work with love, but only with distaste, it is better that you should leave your work and sit at the gate of the temple and take alms of the people who work with joy".

Another reminder for me : do work that I love. Don't force myself to do something that I don't like. It is not worth it! Hence, my goal now is to work out my plan, do the things that I like even though other people don't like it. and InsyaAllah 1 day I could see the benefit of the joy of working on my face and other people's face. I could see that many people are working because they have no choice. many of my friends say "xpelaa..asalkan dapat kerjaaa" some say "dah tu je yg ada..keje je laa" and some say "xpe keja ape pun..asalkan gaji besarr..asalkan orang pandang.." Hmmm.. niat tu kena betulkan..kerja kerana Allah. In my case, I used to say "xminat sgt kerja ni.. tapi dh dpt kn..kerja jelaa bukan senang nk dpt kerja skrng.."  Astaghfirullah! Ikhlas ke tak ni?? So, because of that, everyday many people are complaining about their work, they not feeling good and there's unsettled things in their hearts, they hate their work so much. many people in Malaysia used to buy fake medical certificates to skip a day of work and it is victory to fool the employer.. But who actually the real fool is???? 

Something to ponder..


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