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Leading Kids to Greatness, the Khalifah Way by Sis.Sherina.

Of course I cried!

Suddenly I miss my Khalifah Model School Students!! and alhamdulillah.. I found this post from Sis.Sherina, one of the person that have the opportunity to meet and learn about Khalifah Method from Prof. Al-Mahdi. I like to share with you her thoughts during one of the programs that we (the teachers and Khalifah Institute's Staffs in charged, "Leading Kids to Greatness".  These are the things that we call 'Khalifah Way'. I really hope other schools can implement the same method that they use in this school. 
BismilLah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim
My love affair with Khalifah Model School continued last week when I was invited to coordinate and participate in a 4-day Khalifah Method program with the students.
The training module was based on my ‘Leading Kids to Greatness, the Khalifah Way’ module but the program itself was developed by Brothers Mursyidi and Muhammad Qayyum from Khalifah Institute. This time, the Khalifah Model School teachers were given the opportunity to become trainers, using their own materials and content.
The teachers were fantastic! I was so amazed that they came up with great presentations and materials, even though they lacked training experience and were also facing a lesson plans and Assessment papers submission deadline!
First-timer trainer, Teacher Fudzah, kept her cool and did an excellent job with the students!
The training program was intended to reinforce ‘The Khalifah Way’ mindset in the students and motivate them to be more proactive in the shaping of their own khalifah character and behavior. Alhamdulillah, we saw many amazing changes throughout the 4-days program, even before Day 1 was over!
Students made consistent effort to sit in the Khalifah Assembly Adab throughout the program, Masha'Allah!
For most of the students, it was the first time they ate in a talam (large, round tray) with their group members and teacher. I loved seeing their awe and interest in the practice of the Prophet’s (salla Allah alayhi wasalam) Sunnah and the teachers enjoyed sharing their food with the students.
Students patiently waiting for all their friends to get their food before starting their meal using talam.
Love is shown between teacher and student during meal times using talam.
Their talams clean and shiny after...
I was telling the students how proud and amazed I was after going through the photos I took of them on the first day and asked them, “Guess what happened next?” and a student answered, “You cried..?” Of course I cried!! Seeing the students choosing to behave and act in The Khalifah Way i.e. doing things excellently beyond  expectations and expressing their true inner khalifah potential, was wonderful, Masha’Allah…
These boys sat in a Khalifah Circle and arranged their stationery neatly in the middle without being instructed to!
Alhamdulillah, I am blessed to have been able to see for myself the true potential of these students unfold right before my eyes. I feel privileged to experience the pride and awe watching these kids fulfill their true role and responsibilities as Khalifah; Make self good, Help others be good and Make the world clean and beautiful.
The students made these recycling bins themselves and they are placed on every floor!
Yes, I have tears in my eyes right now… I could go on and on about the wonderful things the Khalifah Model School students do but that would take forever so I’ll just let these photos do the talking for me. Enjoy…
It's amazing to see how well the students self-managed themselves during Assembly.
The lines of students are straight during Assembly. The boy on the left sitting up straight is Bro. Tariq-he always sits this way!
Khalifah Model School students during Assembly
Walk silently in a single file, up and down the stairs. Safety First!
Alhamdulillah, every bit of food was eaten.
There's a sense of closeness that Khalifah Model School students have for others.Here is Daniel helping Elman who is helping me prepare rewards (rambutan) for the students.
Students diligently completing their Khalifah Challenge-to write 10 or more good qualities that they each have. KMS' latest student, Fawwaz, wrote 'I like to help my Mom'.
Teacher Lin sharing with the students her pride and happiness she felt seeing the students' effort.
The students going to their teachers, thanking them and apologising to them.There were tears from both students and teachers.
Khalifah Model School students love volunteering to answer questions.
This is the Khalifah Way to answer questions-hand raised straight up and wait patiently to be called.
Khalifah Model School students in Assembly Adab:sit up straight, legs crossed, hands on knees and focus attention on the speaker.


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