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Let's keep our heart clean =) insyaAllah we'll understand things better~

MasyaAllah well written! Good reminder for me and you.  by  Ruzky Aliyar -   "It doesn't make any sense". READ! in the name of Allah..

Why do some things in life not work out the way you want them to?’ said the boy.
‘How do you know that was what you really wanted?’ asked the girl.
‘How would I know that?’ he asked her.
‘If what I want is not really what I want, then how would I ever know whatever it is that I want to be the thing I really want…?’ he thought aloud.
‘Well, you see, that’s the beauty of it,’ she replied.
 ‘And it’s making my head ache,’ he added for good measure.
‘Okay… let me ask you something, little brother. You might find it a bit strange.”
‘Go on…’
‘What do you find beautiful?’
He looked at her incredulously and decided not to reply.
She smiled at him, ‘All right, I’ll choose something and we’ll both agree that it is beautiful for the sake of argument.’
‘It’s a sunny day and both of us return home after going for a walk. We go in and sit in the living room and decide not to take our sunglasses off. Madagascar, the movie, is playing on TV. It had been really sunny so we had chosen very dark-tinted sunglasses. Enter Mort. Do you know Mort?’
‘The big-eyed cute thing?’ he said, amused at the choice of character to take stage.

Mort in Madagascar 

‘Yep, the big-eyed cute thing,’ she laughed. ‘Now we still haven’t taken our sunglasses off and the movie is in 3D. Mort comes on TV but we don’t recognise him to be the cute cuddly thing everyone knows and loves. It all seems blurry. Unclear. And dark.’ She looked at him. He was listening attentively. She continued, ‘Do you see the problem? We cannot appreciate Mort for the cuteness he is because there is a problem in the way we’re looking at him.’

There is a problem in the way we view the world, or in the way we look at something because we didn't take off our sunglasses!!! you know what I mean?

She turned so that she was facing him directly. He was listening intently, patiently waiting for her to carry on.
She smiled at him and continued, 
‘Reality is, mostly, not as we perceive it to be. We view it through lenses painted by our current state of mind. There are many shades of interpretation and sometimes we need to change the lenses with which we view the world.

there are many shades of interpretation in our mind....

...because it depends on which lenses we use to view the world @ to look at something. we can't use the same lenses for the whole life. sometimes we need to change it and choose the right lenses at the right time and situation.

We will not understand the wisdom behind every moment in time unless He blesses us with the ability to discern between what is reality and what is, in reality, a figment of our imagination.’
He furrowed his brows, ‘So how would we know what we really want?’
‘Well, that’s a bit harder to know, and it takes quite a bit of work and effort,’ she said letting out a long sigh.

After a brief pause she continued, 
‘You see, what we understand depends on the state of our heart… So the better I make myself, the less cluttered my heart will become, and the more clear my view of the world and the better I would understand things.’
‘You see, no one can ever be sure that their heart is at its best.

He thought about it for a while, ‘So… what I need to do is to try and make sure that I keep my heart at its best and put my trust in Allah to help me to see everything for what it really means. And He will help me to realise what it is that I really need.’

Her face broke into a wide smile, 
‘No one loves you more than Allah. 
No one cares for you more than Allah. 
No one knows what is best for you except Allah. 
Even we don’t know what’s best for us most of the time. But He does—always.
He knows what is best for you, when it’s best for you, 
where it’s best for you and in what way it’s best for you. 
All you need to do is just hand it all to Him and He’ll take care of it all and give you, without doubt, what is best for you.’
He pulled a face at his sister and grinned—something he always did when she made him see things clearly. She smiled at him and beckoned him to look at the lake.

Let us pray together.... May Allah always with us, guide us and help us in our way to clean our heart, so that we could understand things better!! Amiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin..... I'm on my way to improve myself and my heart. Alhamdulillah today I get the answer for my question --> why I couldn't understand things in the way it should be. Maybe because I have problems with my heart.. may Allah forgive me and have mercy on me and you. 

p/s: Tiba2 lepas baca article yg menarik ni, saya rasa bahagia. Alhamdulillah. Tersenyum sendiri mengenangkan warna warni hidup. MasyaAllah Allah itu Maha Mengetahui...saya tak tahu kenapa saya rasa perasaan ni... sesungguhnya Allah lah yg memberikan segala ketenangan, kebahagiaan dan kegembiraan jiwa itu! Benarlah.... dengan mengingati Allah, hati akan menjadi tenang =) 

Thank you Allah............................. =) 
I want to meet you and get your salam pleaseeeee....


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