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Are you ready for Ramadhan?? =)

Assalamualaikum everyone =) MasyaAllah I'm soo00oo excited because Ramadhan is just around the corner! How's our preparation brothers and sisters in Islam? There are many fantastic courses and talks that have been prepared for us.. So, why don't we grab this chance? All these beneficial courses and talks could give us loadss of benefits and advantages especially for our "Soul Purification". I'm so excited coz insyaAllah I'm gonna meet Bro. Yahya Ibrahim this weekend (Saturday & Sunday) at University Malaya and on Monday, I'm gonna meet Prof. Tariq Ramadhan at IIUM (UIA), a very profound scholar masyaAllah. They are very wise and we should grab this chance to meet them face to face! not only facebooking !! =) 

Prof. Tariq Ramadhan
Brother Yahya is now in Malaysia! I love to read his articles coz he knows how to touch people's heart masyaAllah! 

Oh! I LOVE people of knowledge.. and I pray, May Allah grant us knowledge and wisdom insyaAllah... 

"Sesungguhnya aku mencintai orang soleh, padahal aku bukan drpd kalangan mereka,
Harapanku agar aku mendapat syafaat apabila bersama mereka nanti
dan aku membenci mereka yg melakukan maksiat,
walaupun aku sendiri mungkin drpd golongan mereka..... 

Imam Asy-Syafie (Fiqh al Ibadat, jil. 1, hlm. 24)

Subhanallah. that's Imam Asy-Syafi'e.. how about us? It's ok people if we think we're bad, we're not good enough, we're not 'soleh' or 'solehah''s OK! coz we're human and human make mistakes.. That's why in Islam we are encourage to love people who are good (especially Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him), so that we can follow their good examples insyaAllah.. and because of these feelings of 'worst', bad and not 'solehah' enough, I'm volunteering myself to join all these courses with the intention to purify my heart and soul.. and I hope I could improve myself. Oh Allah give me your help and guidance!  

If you are interested, it's not too late for you to join these courses! Below are the details! Check it out peeps =)

Heart Therapy

Purification of the Soul
Instructor: Yahya Ibrahim
  • Date: 14 - 15 July 2012
  • Time: 8:30am to 7:00pm
  • Location: Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia
enrol now    
In this course, you will gain understanding of the fundamental aspects of the Soul: how it relates to your faith, what causes it to corrupt and what are the cures. You will learn about the 6 traps of Shayṭān and how they corrupt your heart. In particular you will learn about the following diseases affecting the heart: Anger, Backbiting, slander and tale carrying, envy, lying, riya', love of this dunya, miserliness, hatred etc.....You will learn each disease in detail: from its causes, symptoms and most importantly its cures. The cleansing of the soul should ultimately lead to attaining the highest level of faith, iḥsān. This knowledge of purification of the soul should help you take practical steps towards this end result.

  •      Time    : 8.00 pm - 11.00 pm  Venue  :     .Main Hall CAC, IIUM Gombak


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