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LIFE IS A LEARNING PROCESS ~ many things we can learn from kids! Yallah!

Oh I miss them AGAIN!

I saw the picture below on Sis. Azra's facebook...Farewell Ramadhan! What would they say when Ramadhan is leaving? MasyaAllah! These are what they say:

I'm amazed with their words. MasyaAllah my dear Khalifah =)
I also do hope that this is not my last Ramadhan. Please Allah, give me another chance to meet Ramadhan next year.. (if it is the best for me). 

Many new things I've learnt from Sis. Azra Banu, one of the Khalifah Model School (KMS) teachers. They are so lucky kan, MasyaAllah! Kan best kalau Khalifah Method ni dpt diserapkan dlm sistem pembelajaran di Malaysia.InsyaAllah every students in Malaysia could also get the knowledge that KMS students get. Isn't it fantastic? 

The kids should be encouraged to seek knowledge about anything, anywhere, anytime so that they can build a great generation in the future InsyaAllah.. Like the generation of Salahuddin Al-Ayyubi and Sultan Muhammad Al-Fateh =)

They are connecting the dots of knowledge.. 
Sis.Azra said they had fun dotting their books & connecting the dots! There were lots of colours & some interesting dots too. 
The world is full of dots, the more knowledge we have, the more dots we connect..

They also learn about Inner Speech.. what is inner speech? 
The inner speech are about what we ‘talk’ to ourselves, our feelings, intuition and our thoughts.

when we see something bad, we should say something bad about it in our heart, or say it straightly to the person. not by talking to others! that is backbitting and it is sin!

Let us test our Inner speech! hmm.. what question should we ask ourselves? This is like self-reflection practise - now I'm thinking on Ramadhan.. so I'm asking myself.. what do I gain from fasting? hungry? tired? lose weight? more rewards? only me and Allah know the answer.. how about you? how's your Ramadhan? how do you feel when Ramadhan is leaving? sad or happy? 

Checklist before Ramadhan ends:
  • How's our tarawikh?
  • our good deeds? i.e: sadaqah (giving charity),spread salam/knowledge, smile to others, help others, pick up rubbish
  • How about our tahajjud? especially in the last 10 days of Ramadhan..
we should ask this question to ourselves : AM I GETTING CLOSER TO ALLAH OR SYAITAN/DESIRE?? 

I pray to Allah may we'll be blessed and meet Lailatul Qadar, InsyaAllah!


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