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Khalifah Method & KhALIFAH wAy ~ ReAdiNG hABItS

Islam promotes actively seeking knowledge. So the reading habit must be instilled very early on

How to make reading as their habit? There are so many things parents can do to inculcate the reading habit. Make reading as our and their habit!
  • Shows good example to them ~ firstly, we must try to make reading as our habit. Children will follow more on what they see and not what they hear.  If the parents are bookworms, the possibility for the child to be a bookworm is very high~ =) starts with ourselves first! 
    Children love imitating the behavior of the people around them. Ensure what they imitate are the right behaviors.
  •  Then read to them especially before they turn into independent readers.
  •  Put a white board our house where we could write anything eg: (From Sis.Azra Banu-Khalifah teacher – she applied this with her kids) Have a word a week & would describe it before writing its definition. They'd then have to construct sentences with that word. It is lovely to see the different sentences, reflecting their individual character; all kids, who are no longer kids of course:) And today, Alhamdulillah, they are such lovers of books & words. They love exploring & unravelling words.
  • Make sure they read the right books.
  • Bring them to the library or book stores to read and buy books! They will love it! 
  • Most importantly! No TV for kids! Opss.. Is that too much..? Maybe you can start giving TV reward for them when they finish doing their works@ homework. Please don’t make TV as their bestfriend!! It is so dangerous! You must choose the right channel for them to watch.
  • Have a FAMILY VISION! Eg: (From Teacher Sherina-she is the role model in the school) Her family vision: “To Achieve Excellence and Balance in Body, Mind and Soul.” It is also important that the kids understood that in anything they do, it needs to be done excellently. If you have to do something, you might as well do it right.‘


·        create a Family Vision statement
·        ensure that everyone in the family participates in writing it up
·        make sure they understand the vision
·        have the Family Vision fresh in your mind as you begin the Shaping Process
·        have fun and begin enjoying growing with your family!

Isn't she lovely? Sofea Alisya is one of the Khalifah Model School's students (Year 1) She l0ves to READ!

Every child has a big potential. Never and never underestimate them.

There was a boy who enrolled in Khalifah Model School last 3 years. Against everyone’s advice, one of the board of directors put his name forward as Head Prefect of the school and he was duly elected. Unfortunately, he began causing trouble and even got into a fight with a girl. This became a serious issue at school and it was suggested he be stripped of his position as Head Prefect. But she fought hard to keep him on as Head Prefect because she knew he had immense potential in him to excel. And true enough, when he realised there was someone who believed in him, he started to change and he progressed, academically and spiritually. Masha’Allah, can you imagine the struggles he had to face?

Thus, Please don’t underestimate them. As parents / sisters, we must bear in mind that everybody has their own potential and they can become good person if we give them positive encouragements and values. We just have to remind ourselves that the potential to excel is there, we have to be patient and trust the child to choose to change for the better, even if it takes longer than we expect.
While waiting for the assembly time, they CHOOSE to read books! MasyaAllah!

If we ask questions, they love to answer!

Let's make reading as OUR habit! I'm trying! Please pray for me!


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