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Building a new life. TOGETHER ~

Alhamdulillah! Finally.. she's married. =)  this is what we called as 'JODOH'. hehe...we're bestfriend since school. but now, her husband lah would be her bestfriend. no more me on the top of the list. But it's ok..later, it would be the same for me if I'm getting married, of course my husband will be so so dear to my heart (after Allah and Rasulullah) insyaAllah. =D That's what Islam encourages us to do right?

Alhamdulillah, Allah makes things easy for both of you. Thank you Allah =D It's easy if Allah makes it easy. But if it is difficult, it doesn't mean it's not good for us. Anything that happen must have a reason. maybe the reason is just because of the timing is not right. Life is tough but... take it easy... than everything will be easy insyaAllah.. =) 

I've learn something from my reading and from other people's experience on marriage ~ Women don’t get married JUST because they think it’s gonna be fun. They get married because they want a happy family life and they believe the husband gonna give it to them. Same goes to the husband. Isn't it? Men desire respect from their wives, and women desire love from their husbands. When a wife shows her husband less respect, he in turn shows her less love. And when a husband shows his wife less love, she in turn shows him less respect. And the vicious cycle repeats itself.

Most men have a hard time understanding women. Even a woman they’ve been married to for years. One minute she’s perfectly fine. The next, she’s crying like a baby. =P That's women, including me. Sometimes very complicated. And honestly, it's also hard for me as a woman to understand man. I'm still learning and trying hard to understand. Some Muslim brothers say, Muslim and Western cultures are different. They say, Western culture encourages husbands and wives to talk to each other and discuss things but this is different to our Muslim culture. For Muslim man, part of the problem is also that sometimes hard to actually formulate thoughts into the right words. And the only thing more difficult than translating thoughts to words is translating feelings to words. Is it true? and is it right to apply in our marriage? I don't think so.

As a human, everyone of us desires appreciation, good words and praises. Yes I know it is difficult to translate feelings for certain husband in marriage but it is more difficult for the wife for not receiving any romantic words or praises from the husband. Alhamdulillah Huda is already getting the right ones. =) Her husband could translate feelings to words MasyaAllah.. hehe. I could see from Huda's facebook wall. (for the guys out there, translate it after marriage ok.  no romantic words before marriage!) =p

For Huda and Angah --> Barakallahulakuma =D Wishing you a wonderful journey as you build your new life together. May your love bloom brighter and your companionship grow sweeter with each passing year. Mabrukkk!! I'm happy to see you happy masyaAllah. 

One of the Muslim scholars said, "After several years of marriage (and counselling) I’ve learned to not worry so much about what my wife says. Instead, I should worry about what she doesn’t say. =p (this is soooo trueee)


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