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If you wanna make a world a better place, look at yourself and make a CHANGE!

Before we talk about OTHERS, we better talk and look at ourselves first.
Many things to improve..many weaknesses need to be avoided and many strengths need to be focused on. 

The primary factor that determines an individual’s character and behaviour is his/ her ENVIRONMENT. 
If the environment is good and has a clear Islamic worldview, InsyaAllah it will produce a good individual and a good Muslim.
 The environment consists of three sources that will influence an individual’s character:

a. Firstly, our character depends on the Physical source of the environment which we live in. It is the material world around us (before it is changed by human actions, after the physical source is changed by human actions it also becomes a social influence). 

eg: If we born in Malaysia, we'll be influenced by the environment and culture of the Malays. It is something that we cannot choose, we are born as Muslims, in certain family, in certain society. we will see how this certain environment shaped our character. it will produce either true Muslim which practises his/her religion, or Muslim just by name (not practising). 

b. Secondly, the Social source of the environment which comprises both direct (seeing what others do and keeping what others say) and indirect human interaction (e.g. from man-made communication media such as TV, internet, music, literature, etc).

All these social interactions will influence our character building. So WATCH it OUT!!

c. Lastly, the Inner speech which refers to the internal communication we have with ourselves with our words, thoughts, emotions, feelings, and inspiration. 

Inner speech arises from the accumulated life experience stored in our Total Past Learning History(TPLH), and is a big factor in how we perceive all things and in determining what our actions will be.
What characters do we have? Strong character or weak? We should look at our inner self, not outer. Our outer self sometimes are just pretending to be and to look good. How about our inner self? SELF CHECK! Nobody knows but YOU!!

the inner speech is seriously the most important factor that will determine what kind of person we will be. What are the things that we talk with our own selves? If it is good, Alhamdulillah.. if our inner speech is full of hatred, envy, bad past memories, we should change it!

I need to change myself too. I've been influenced a lot by my past memories, cultures, environment which has influenced my inner speech and then shaped my character and personality. 
WE ARE THE PRODUCT OF OUR ENVIRONMENT! If we think it is not good, don't blame it. 
Just face it and make a CHANGE!

I'm always blaming my past. I don't know why.. maybe because I've seen many good people around me and I'm not good enough if I compared myself with them. I keep blaming my environment, my family and myself. My family is not perfect. I'm not perfect too.. Everybody is not perfect.  
But why forgiveness is very hard even to my own self?? 


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