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Showing posts from February, 2014

Legacy of our Prophet s.a.w.. Peace be upon him

Sometimes I feel lost. Because something is missing. And I know the reason behind it. -My relationship with Allah is not going very well. Oh Allah please forgive me.have mercy on me and.let me taste the sweetness of Imaan. I miss you so much dear God.. but ..... there's too much dunya attached to me. I hope the righteous husband you're giving me could bring me closer to you....  I just read Yasmin Mogahed's article on "The search for LOVE"   and I realize something. I need to improve myself. She said, "To run to God is a movement of the heart. To run to God is to strive with everything He has given you. Running to God is movement. If you are passive, you are not moving. You are falling. Movement to God, running to God, is to face your heart towards Him in every motion of life. It is to face every goal, every intention, every End towards Him. He becomes the object of your striving. The means of your striving. The ultimate End of your striving. But you ke

Yeayyyy I'm married! hehe

Alhamdulillah.. semuanya telah berjalan dengan lancar.. denagn sekali lafaz saya telah menjadi seorang isteri kepada seseorang yg bernama Mohamad Safwan. hehe.. Thank you Allah.. kepada semua yg membantu untuk majlis saya yang sewonok ni... terima kasih yg tidak terhingga buat kalian. Semoga Allah memberi ganjaran yg sebaik2nya iaitu syurgaNya yg tertinggi =D Ramai betul dtg ke majlis nikah dan kenduri kami. sgt terharu atas kehadiran semua.. nasibaik makanan cukup! hehe. semoga ada keberkatan didalamnya... doakan yg terbaik buat kami di dunia dan akhirat ya :) "A good man will ALWAYS find a way to provide for you to the best of his ability. Money is important, but his character and how he loves you is what creates an outstanding relationship. Do not look at how much money a man is making to determine if he is marriage material. Rather look at his deen and how he handles his life, and his future plans" Quoted